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State-owned strengths and weaknesses come in time | Blog post

At the beginning of the new year, after the disaster of the Gengzi Year of the past year, I hope that the new year’s epidemic will pass and vitality will return.

Take advantage of the new year, talk about national luck. This year is the year of Xin Chou. 120 years ago, after the Eight-Power Allied Forces captured the capital, in 1901, the “Xin Chou Treaty” was reached in 1901. China wants to open the country, allow foreign troops to be stationed, and compensate 450 million tael in silver. The huge indemnity of defeat directly crushed the Qing court.

Analyzed by the ternary and nine fortunes, the period from 1864 to 1923 in the 60th year of the Yuan Dynasty was the weakest period of the Qing Dynasty in China, and it was also the year when the British Empire flourished. As early as 1588, Britain defeated Spain’s “Invincible Fleet” and made its debut, laying a solid foundation for Britain to develop overseas colonies. More than 200 years later to 1805, the Battle of Trafalgar between Britain and France started. Britain won a huge victory and sank a large number of French warships. It truly established the status of British maritime hegemony and brought the world into the “British Century.”

After Britain became the maritime hegemon, it put forward the “two-power standard”, that is, its naval strength must exceed the sum of the second and third places that followed. At the beginning of the 20th century, the German navy rose to challenge Britain’s “two-power standard.”

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Britain began to decline. The First World War broke out, and a naval battle broke out between the Royal Navy and the German Imperial Navy in the North Sea about 80 miles from the west coast of Jutland, Denmark. This was the largest naval battle in World War I. The loss ratio of the German and British fleets was 1:2. The British naval battle lost. Since then, the Germans adopted the “unrestricted submarine war” and attacked merchant ships approaching the British Isles, besieging Britain, and caused heavy losses to Britain. After the end of World War I, at the “Five-Nation Naval Armament Conference” held by the victorious nations in Washington in 1921, the United States obtained the qualifications to be equal to Britain, and the British maritime hegemony ended.

The Japanese historian Teresa Nakanishi summed up in the book “History of the Decline and Fall of the British Empire” that the First World War weakened national power and added excessive concessions to the United States to write the prologue to the history of the decline and fall of the British Empire.

The Zhongyuan of the three yuan and nine games, from 1924 to 1983, was the era when the American flying dragon was in the sky. It defeated Britain and became the world’s hegemon.

As early as November 11, 1620, when the British ship “Mayflower” brought 102 new British immigrants to Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in the eastern United States, the immigrants signed the “Mayflower Convention” and established An autonomous organization wrote the first chapter of American history. By 1775, 13 colonies in North America fought the War of Independence in order to fight against the British levying heavy taxes on the American colonies. The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776, and the 13 colonies were officially declared independent. In the end, Britain was defeated. On November 30, 1782, Britain and the United States signed the “Paris Peace Treaty” draft, and Britain recognized the independence of the United States.

The rapid rise of the United States more than a hundred years after the founding of the nation, boasted that it was derived from the democratic system spawned by the Mayflower Convention. However, the rise of the United States in the three-dimensional Zhongyuan is related to the unique geographical location of the United States alone overseas. When the United States rises, the Americas are sparsely populated, rich in resources, and can easily develop without war.

In contrast, the European powers Britain, Germany, and France are fighting endlessly on the European continent. Two world wars caused Britain to become poor and white, and gave up the position of world hegemony to the United States. Germany slaughtered Jews during World War II, and a large number of Jews fled to the United States with funds and technology. Einstein, the physicist who immigrated to the United States from Germany, even pushed the United States to accelerate the development of the atomic bomb.

To put it bluntly, the United States has land transport. But the excessive spending in the past few decades has hollowed out the national power.

During the period from 1984 to 2043, the period from 1984 to 2043 in the ninth national movement of the Three Yuan and Ninth National Games, the United States went from prosperity to decline to the generation of Longxing in China. China has a small land with a large population and a lack of natural resources. However, the victory lies in the diligent and intelligent people. With the help of the reform and opening-up policy, China has rapidly flourished within decades. Last year, a new crown epidemic also witnessed the country’s efficient decision-making and the rising national fortune.

Looking at the 180-year cycle of the Ninth Movement and the Three Elements, the United Kingdom is like a weak and declining old woman, the United States is a middle-aged man who is strong in foreign countries, and China is like a vigorous young man. The level of national fortune is clear at a glance.

A friend wants to immigrate to the United Kingdom. I said that it doesn’t matter if the elderly have money to retire there. Young people bet their fate in such a dragged sunset empire, and the risk is quite high.

Lu Yongxiong

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