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Starfield promises to give players full freedom of choice

Work on the new Starfield game universe has allowed Bethesda to explore new concepts that the developer has not been able to come up with before. In particular, this should emerge in freedom of choice, with countless opportunities for players to play exactly the way they want.



The latest video diary for Starfield focuses on precisely this freedom of choice. In the video – which you can see above – tells game manager Todd Howard and other members of the development team that the game not only lets you experience a story, but that it is designed to give you the feeling that you are actually living in this world.

– It is a level of empathy that we really focus on. Not only do you play a game, but you live in this world, in this universe. […] It’s a giant open world where players can do whatever they want.

This is especially evident in the way one approaches the different factions in Starfield. As an example, design manager Emil Pagliarulo points out the robbers in Crimson Fleet, and what one chooses to do with them.

– What if you are a kind person and you want to be a kind player and not be a bad guy? You can join the team of the pirates or you can report back to your superiors and be a kind of space policeman. So the game lets you be kind, while you get to play with the villains.

Furthermore, art director Istvan Pely says that the goal has been to “embrace the chaos”. In theory, Starfield should always be clear about whatever the player decides to do, such as if you suddenly start an exchange of shots in different scenarios.

Howard also points out that the freedom of choice extends to the game character, where you can choose between different background stories. This also determines, for example, which companions you get with you, and we get a small glimpse of one of these in the video above – a robot called Vasco.

We will see how it all works in practice when Starfield is launched on November 11 this year. The game is coming to PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X / S.

ALSO READ: Here are three of the Starfield cities players should explore »

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