Home » today » Entertainment » “Sprīdītis” Play Based on Anna Brigadere’s Fairy Tale Debuts for First Graders in Liepāja Preschool Educational Institution

“Sprīdītis” Play Based on Anna Brigadere’s Fairy Tale Debuts for First Graders in Liepāja Preschool Educational Institution

Although references to the characters of Anna Brigadere’s fairy tale “Sprīdītis” are visible in the work, the main focus of the play is devoted to the child’s first steps in the kindergarten, the feelings that take over when entering a new, big and unknown world for the first time.

The very first students of the “Pūcēni” group of the “Sprīdītis” group of the Liepāja preschool educational institution (PII) judged the performance – more than 20 little five-year-olds.

They were a source of inspiration for the creators of the show, because they allowed us to visit them and observe what their daily life is like in the kindergarten.

When the production of the show began, part of the team also visited the kindergarten in Pinki, the name of which also coincides with the one given to the show.

“We went to the kindergarten already when the play was ready, Edgar had written it and we had discussed many details,” says the director S. Didžus, “but we needed to get confirmation of the correctness of our thoughts. So that it doesn’t happen that preschool teachers will come to watch the show and say that it’s not like that.

It was important to bring our imaginary world to the real environment of the kindergarten.”

“From the beginning there was excitement, but in reality we are used to being watched from the sidelines. The children are also used to it, since we now have open classes,” “Pūcēnu” groups nursery school Inga Žabinska talks about the feelings of hosting the creators of the show.

Outlining the plot of the new production, the Puppet Theater says: “On the open day of the Kindergarten “Sprīdītis”, wanting to present themselves from the best side, two teachers of PII “Sprīdītis” and a social pedagogue (played by actors Madara Enkuzen, Andris Zeļonka and Ilze Jura) introduce the children to the achievements of the kindergarten. and future plans.

They are passionate about nurturing and encouraging their students to become explorers of the world.

The situation gets a bit complicated when a new child arrives at the kindergarten for the first day. Where did he come from? How to deal with him?” The story of each of us taking our first steps into new and undiscovered territories and getting to know a foreign world.

For the director S. Didžus, this is her first permanent directing job after her master’s studies at the Latvian Academy of Arts. But this does not mean that nothing has been done in this area, she herself points out.

Worked as a director’s assistant for various directors, including E. Niklasonas, when he created the play “Gangsteromite”.

“I really liked the calm and confident manner in which he works. And that’s why I hired him, because I knew he also writes. Edgar was like a safety cushion, as this is my first independent directorial work.”

On the other hand, it was S. Didžus’ first collaboration with the Scottish-Bulgarian composer and musician Alexander Thomas Mathewson, who created a colorful sound outfit for the performance. “I am pleased and satisfied,” she says about the final result.

“Everyone managed to work together as a whole.”

The Liepāja Puppet Theater has been persuading S. Didžus for about a year.

“Thinking about what could be staged here, I stopped at Brigadere’s “Spridīša”. I know that nothing better than a motion picture can be made, so I had to think of a different approach, manner. And I realized that there is one very important thing that the author also has. About the child coming into the world. And there are many such moments, considering that a parent will have a child at any age.

But the first biggest, most significant one seems to be the moment when he is launched to garden. In Brigadere’s “Spridītī” I saw all the necessary elements to create an appropriate story about how a small child gets to know the environment of a kindergarten.”

If you haven’t seen A. Brigadere’s work or the movie about Spridita, S. Didžus recommends doing it after the performance, not before.

“This is not exactly the same story, but very, very close.

I would like that after watching the show, the child himself becomes interested in this work, wants to get to know the original or at least watch the movie. Because such little clues will be given here.”

“Very unique,” I. Žabinska expressed her assessment after watching the show. “It was interesting to watch from the sidelines. I kept trying to see myself or my colleagues,” she said with a smile.

When asked how much what happens on stage corresponds to everyday life in the kindergarten, the teacher stated that there are two children here, but “we have many more”.

So you have to be imaginative to be able to encourage them to feel at home here. “Because kindergarten is like a second home for children. He spends a large part of his daily life here.”

Contribution of the media support fund from Latvian state budget funds. The portal liepajniekiem.lv is responsible for the prepared content.

2024-02-21 05:14:24

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