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Spinach Vegetables Can Cause Gout, Really?

HARIANHALUAN.COM – Spinach, including food ingredients that contain high iron. Launch Health Line, about 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of raw spinach can contain 2.7 mg of iron, which is 15 percent of daily iron needs.

Not only that, spinach also includes foods that contain high vitamin C. Meanwhile, vitamin C itself can significantly increase iron absorption.

Therefore, eating spinach which contains high iron is very useful for health, such as:

Prevents anemia

Increase muscle strength

Increase concentration

Boosts immunity

Reduces fatigue

Support the process of growth and development for children

However, because it is considered to contain high purines, spinach is often not glimpsed by some people to be used as daily food.

Purines are molecules which, when they enter the body, are metabolized into uric acid.

Then, is it true that spinach can cause gout?

Spinach contains medium purines

Launching the Healthy Food Book: Overcome Various Diseases (2013) by Rita Ramayulis, DCN., M. Kes., Spinach including food ingredients that contain moderate purines.

The purine content in 100 grams of spinach is around 9-100 mg. The amount of purine, including those that can not be ignored.

That way, anyone is recommended to limit the consumption of spinach to avoid gout or gout.

Meanwhile, for gout sufferers, consumption of purines from food should be limited to only about 100-150 mg per day.

In the Miracle Book of Spinach Antioxidants (2012) by the Health Secret Editor, also explained that spinach is not a suitable food for gout sufferers.

Spinach article contains purines with high enough levels in the body to be converted into gout.

For gout sufferers, this condition can trigger a recurrence of the disease with symptoms of pain in the hands and feet.

In normal amounts, purines actually won’t cause problems. However, if excess will negatively impact health.

For gout sufferers, spinach can cause gout pain relapse. This disorder is characterized by an increase in uric acid levels in the blood of more than 7 mg / dl.

Rising uric acid levels in people with gout are caused by abnormalities in purine metabolism.

Symptoms that arise are none other than a form of pain due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints called tophy.

Not only gout sufferers, rheumatism sufferers are also advised to limit consumption of spinach because it can cause excessive pain.

In addition to spinach, there are several other vegetables that should be wary of gout sufferers because they contain moderate purines.

Here are some of these vegetables:





Cassava leaves

Melinjo leaves and seeds



In addition to limiting or avoiding the consumption of foods that contain high purines, gout sufferers are also advised to reduce fat intake, such as margarine, butter, and fried foods because fat can inhibit the release of uric acid.

Gout sufferers are also encouraged to increase drinking water to help release uric acid. At least, adults with gout are encouraged to drink water at least more than 2 liters per day.

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