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Spinach in your diet every day if you want to lose weight

  • A study reveals that consuming spinach every day as part of your diet makes you 43% more likely to lose your desired weight.
  • Its high amount of fiber (soluble and insoluble) accelerates intestinal transit and helps burn abdominal fat.

    If we want lose weight, it is evident that a diet Low in fat and rich in vegetables is almost mandatory. But among all that variety of foods, there is one that stands out above the rest thanks to its beneficial properties. A study published by the United States National Library in Express explains that consuming spinach every day reduce body fat and facilitates weight loss. If you listen to them, they promise that you will be much closer to the desired figure.

    To do this, they subjected overweight people, divided into two groups, to a curious experiment. Some would eat 5 grams of spinach every day for 3 months, and others, placebo. And the results are conclusive: those who eat spinach lost 43% more.

    Why spinach?

    And is that spinach, framed in the group of green leafy vegetables, are incredibly effective in these processes because they contain a high amount of fiber. More specifically, it has a lot of soluble fiber, which accelerates intestinal transit. It also contains insoluble fiber, and this helps reduce abdominal fat and strengthen the proper functioning of the digestive system.

    In addition, it is an extremely satiating food, a perfect quality for reduced calorie consumption and an absence of feeling of hunger. Hence, it is recommended to include in our diet daily, either solidly in salad with other vegetables or as part of our smoothies. In fact, they give more play in the kitchen than you might think; from sautéed in salads or scrambled, to as part of any stew or stew with all kinds of legumes, especially with chickpeas. They are also a rich stuffing of chicken and fish, as well as an accompaniment.

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