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Special campaign for young people: RIVM wants to change behavior, but how?

That one and a half meters becomes half a meter and a hug is also possible, right? Young people in particular seem to have difficulty with the rules surrounding corona policy. That is why RIVM wants to use a special information campaign to convince young people to adjust their behavior. GGDs see that many clusters of new infections arise at youth parties.

Because the young people heard different messages from the beginning, it is difficult to reach them all at once, says ‘generation expert’ Talitha Muusse. In fact, RIVM previously tried to reach them with a campaign, but it did not have the desired effect. Will it now be possible to reach this target group?

At the beginning of the crisis, there was little knowledge about the effects of corona on young people and they were said to be less at risk. “If you want to spread a successful communication message, the following applies: repeat, repeat, repeat. That did not happen at the beginning, the message kept changing. Now the measures are unclear: why are you allowed to walk arm in arm with a 17 year old? a girlfriend, but not as an 18-year-old? “says Muusse.

In addition, young people see that other countries have other measures. “That leads to doubt and as a result young people themselves have to consider how they want to behave.”

Youth platform NOS Stories made a report on a youth campsite. It showed how difficult young people find it to adhere to the rules:

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