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Spain: the tragedy of Campanar marks the Fallas of Valencia: mourning suspends the ‘Crida’ for the first time

The Call in Valencia.


The tragedy of the fire that occurred in two buildings in the Valencian neighborhood of Campanar, which has claimed the lives of at least five people, has caused a historic situation in the world of the Fallas of Valencia, since it is the first time in which This act is suspended, with which the festivities begin with the call for the major falleras to participate in them.

In 2004, the year of the 11-M attacks, the ‘Crida’ was celebrated at the end of February. So all events were suspended during the three days of official mourning (March 12, 13 and 14), including the ‘mascletaes’ in the Town Hall square.

In 2020 a parenthesis came, hand in hand with the covid-19 pandemic, although that year the ‘Crida’ was celebrated on March 1, weeks before the suspension of the Fallas and later the confinement was decreed.

What was extraordinary then turned out to be the cancellation of the festivals themselves as a whole, which had only been paralyzed, since the first ‘plantàs’ of the 18th century, by war conflicts and a tax in the 19th century with only four exceptions. In 2021, as the festivities did not take place in March – they were moved to September – and it was a totally atypical agenda, the ‘Crida’ was not celebrated.

For this reason, 2024 is the first time in history that the ‘Crida’ is suspended, as reported to Europa Press from the Archive area of ​​Junta Central Fallera. This Friday, the Valencia City Council and the JCF agreed to suspend the events scheduled for the weekend due to the official mourning declared after the fire in Campanar.

In this way, neither the ‘Macrodespertà’ will be celebrated first thing in the morning in the streets of the center of València, nor the entry of bands and the ‘mascletà’ in the Town Hall square at noon, nor the ‘Crida’ in the afternoon. in the Serranos Towers. The Gala Fallera will not take place this Friday at Feria Valencia either.

Both the council and the JCF are now looking for alternative dates to “relocate” all these events. In this sense, the ‘Macrodespertà’ and the ‘Crida’ could be held next weekend, while the Gala Fallera could be postponed until even after Fallas, as already happened in 2022, when it was convened at the end of May.


The greatest Fallas of Valencia, Mª Estela Arlandis, assured, in a publication on her official profile on the social network Instagram, that the world of Fallas is “with its eyes and heart on the Campanar neighborhood”, while at the same time lamented that the fire “has shown us its bitterest side” in a “overwhelming fire that has us in suspense.”

In the Torres de Serranos this Friday, the different structures as well as the ‘Crida’ stage itself, from which the major falleras proclaim, are already installed and supervised by municipal workers, in the absence of the last details and the public address system and equipment. officially the start of the holidays.

Everything seems to indicate that this device will remain installed in the Serranos Towers until the probable celebration of this event next weekend, according to knowledgeable sources.


The city’s Fallas commissions, for their part, have also suspended their respective events scheduled for this weekend, while groups such as the Interagrupación de Fallas de València or the Federación de Fallas de Especial have conveyed their condolences and expressions of support to the affected.

«We share the pain of an entire society that cries for the tragic fire and for the already confirmed human losses. We make ourselves available to those affected and residents of Campanar. Our deepest condolences to family and friends of the victims,” ​​the Special Federation stated via social networks.

One of the commissions that has precisely suspended all its festive events is Monestir de Poblet-Aparicio Albiñana (l’Antiga de Campanar), which is located and plants its failure in an area close to the buildings affected by the fire.

«All festive events that were planned for this weekend are suspended. Our most sincere support to all those affected and our gratitude to health services, emergency services and security forces,” they expressed.


Despite the suspension of the activities scheduled for this weekend, the Fallas commissions have not stood still and have gotten to work to contribute their ‘grain of sand’ to the difficult situation that the city is going through.

For example, the Campanar sector commissions have promoted a collection of clothing, blankets, school supplies, personal hygiene and child food in order to support affected families.

For this purpose, the Maestro Rodrigo-General Avilés Fallas farms (l’Alqueria de Ricós Street), Hernández Lázaro-Valle de la Ballestera and Escultor García Más (Medical Ramón Tarazona Street) have been set up. Pick-up times will be from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Campanar’s Falla l’Antiga, for its part, will open its store this Friday until 8:30 p.m. to collect essential items such as personal hygiene products, diapers or combs, brushes or blankets.


The tragic event has also had an impact on the calendar of events for Marine Holy Week, which, in solidarity with all the victims and affected relatives, has announced the cancellation of all events and activities scheduled for this weekend.

The Mayor’s Board indicates that they are working to try to relocate these appointments to other dates.

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#Spain #tragedy #Campanar #marks #Fallas #Valencia #mourning #suspends #Crida #time
– 2024-05-10 08:05:38

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