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South Korean Tennis Player Kwon Soon-Woo’s Compulsory Military Service Nightmare

South Korean Kwon Soon-Woo is living his worst nightmare: Compulsory military service © Getty Images Sport – Cameron Spencer / Staff

South Korean tennis player Kwon Soon-Woo, currently ranked 112th in the world, will have to join the army to do his military service. South Korea requires all men between the ages of 18 and 28 who have no physical disabilities to spend between one and a half and two years of military service under the North Korea Protection Program.

If a few exemptions are granted to high-level athletes who represent the country on the international stage are possible, Kwon Soon-Woo has just lost his chance to benefit from it.

Indeed, in order not to do so-called military service, athletes must prove their worth by winning titles or medals. Competing for the Asian Games, Kwon Soon-Woo had a chance to escape military service by winning the Gold medal in singles.

However, he failed in the first round, losing to Kasidit Samrej, 636th in the world, 6-3, 5-7, 6-4. The South Korean was beside himself during the match and at the end, he broke his racket and refused to shake his opponent’s hand at the end of the match, a clear sign of his frustration and bitterness knowing that he would have to give up. in tennis for a long period and that his results and his return will be compromised.

Here is the video of Kwon Soon-Woo’s complete breakdown at the end of the match published on the Daily Post Youtube channel:

Kwon Soon-Woo publicly apologized

After his unsporting behavior against his rival who only did his job ” Play tennis ” the South Korean made a point of publicly apologizing on his Instagram account, he declared: ” Right after the end of the second round of the Asian Games tennis match against Kasidit Samrez, I did something stupid that I shouldn’t have done as a national team player.

I sincerely apologize to everyone who supported the national team match and to the fans in the stadium. I’m sorry. Once again, I sincerely apologize to my opponent who felt offended by my rude behavior.

I am sincerely sorry and I am reflecting on the actions that were seen after the match. As a national athlete representing my country, I cannot do this kind of thing, I would question myself and be a more responsible athlete, paying attention to all my actions.

Once again, I offer my sincerest apologies to all sports fans. ”

2023-10-01 20:17:08
#South #Korean #Kwon #SoonWoo #experiences #worst #nightmare #Compulsory #military #service

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