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Sorting. Haro on concealed work: controlled company vehicles

“On the occasion of the week, organized at national level, of control against human trafficking and labor exploitation, the motorized platoon of Val de Briey-Hatrize has chosen to perform a service focused on illegal work with the Labor Inspectorate and Urssaf ”, reveals the commander of this gendarmerie unit. Lieutenant Jérôme Galinier and part of his team therefore went to Trieux, Friday, June 4, at the request of the public prosecutor of the court of Val de Briey. The time to check “about fifty vehicles” and their occupants on the main axis of the town, not far from the Place de l’Eglise, from 7 am to 9 am in the morning.

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“Company and utility vehicles checked”

“We mainly targeted construction vehicles, equipped with a platform, vans, etc., whether French or foreign. State officials listened to statements from drivers and passengers, checked which company they depended on, for example, while we focused on road safety, ”the officer explains.

A motorist subject to a driving license suspension was thus heard in the premises of the Trieux brigade before leaving – with a criminal order – in his vehicle driven, this time, by a person he was transporting. . “Another individual, with 0.21 mg of alcohol per liter of exhaled air at 8 am, therefore at the limit of the legal rate of 0.25 mg, was not fined but made aware of the dangers of taking the road in this state ”, specifies Lieutenant Galinier.

Enforce legislation

In terms of labor legislation, the results of the Inspection are not yet known. “On the other hand, the Urssaf controlled a retiree at the wheel of a company van. Does he work without being declared? Is it a concealment of employees? A case will be investigated. “And the soldier recalled that this type of fraud can have serious consequences if the employee is injured” as well for him, considered then as a victim, as for the boss who does not pay the social charges ” .

Checks of this type have to be repeated.

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