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“Someone like him even if he was 50 years old …”


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The news of the interest of the Lazio per Marcelo has already done go crazy il world of social media and twhite and blue hyposis. According to what our editorial staff reported, the Real Madrid defender would be was proposed to the company and negotiations were started on the basis of an offer of 2.3 / 2.4 million per season plus bonuses.

Immediate le reactions sui social con l’hashtag #Marcelo finished in trend after a few hours from the spread of the news. “The salary pays for itself within 5 days …”,I don’t believe it if I see that someone like Sarri refuses a Marcelo even if he is thirty-four … “, it’s still: “At 34, this still brings all the Serie A full-backs and their relatives for a walk.”, “It would be a great reinforcement. I get on Marcelo’s chariot”these are some of the comments of the fans who have already positively expressed their opinion on the possible purchase of the Brazilian.

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