Home » today » World » Soloviev reported on the assassination of the President of Iran – what precisely he stated – World – tsn.ua

Soloviev reported on the assassination of the President of Iran – what precisely he stated – World – tsn.ua

In actual fact, Soloviev is intentionally misleading, telling nonsense with a really critical face.

Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov gave a reside account of the “homicide” Iranian President Ebrahim Rais, which was made by Mossad agent Eli Kopter. In actual fact, it’s simply the phrase “helicopter” damaged into two components in English.

This was reported by the anti-Russian Telegram channel “cheese”.

Soloviev in his program confirmed a report from the Israeli TV channel, after they mentioned the loss of life of Raisi and stated that Mossad consultant Eli Kopter may very well be concerned on this.

In actual fact, Israeli journalists of their program advised a joke that unfold all through the Web about “Agent Eli Kopter.” It was created by customers of the social community X, merely dividing the English phrase “helicopter” into two components, that’s, a helicopter – Heli Copter.

Although the joke is straightforward to learn, Soloviev really confirmed viewers a clip of another person’s program in a international language, saying that this was a part of a report from the French TV channel.

As well as, the feedback of the journalists within the clip had been translated even for the Russians.

“The Hamas group stories that the helicopter pilot was a Mossad agent and even mentions the identify Eli Kopta,” the Russians stated.

After this, Soloviev, with a critical face, advised the viewers traditionally for Israel, “Political assassination is a way of battle for survival in our nation.”

It’s recognized that the Voice of Israel channel printed this joke, which was repeated by many social community customers.

“Iz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas), quoting some sources: “Behind the Raisa helicopter crash is a Mossad agent named Heli Copter,” Voice of Israel journalists wrote.

At this time the useful resource stated that the Russian Federation didn’t perceive the joke: “Soloviev printed “murderer of the president of Iran Raisa It turned out to be a Mossad agent Eli Kopter?

Allow us to remind you that TSN.ua has already reported whether or not we should always count on a change in Iran’s coverage on account of Raisi’s loss of life in a airplane crash.

▶ You possibly can watch the video on TSN’s YouTube channel utilizing this hyperlink: Excessive flight cannon! The helicopter that was carrying the President of Iran Ibrahim Elevate fell within the mountains!

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2024-05-23 11:51:08
#Soloviev #reported #assassination #President #Iran #World #tsn.ua

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