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Software-update: doPDF 11.6.345 – Computer – Downloads

I myself use SumatraPDF.
That’s about the same, but portable and with less demanding requirements. I used Foxit sometimes, but SumatraPDF almost always suffices, in terms of reading and printing .pdfs and is cheaper in terms of resources.

doPDF requires the .NET framework (version 4.6 or higher) to work, so you’ll be prompted during setup to install if it’s not already on your PC. doPDF is compatible with the following operating systems: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista (32/64-bits); Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008R2.

But mainly because I can only download an .exe, and not a source tree in github, like SumatraPDF. But I see that this version also installs via MSI files when using the web installer.
It therefore appears that the doPDF / novaPDF makers are gearing up for changes in their market approach, with PDF printers and PDF editing remaining the exclusive features, as was the case in the Terminal Services days when the mail-merge features in Office 2003 were rolled out through the ISV channel.

[Reactie gewijzigd door Bulkzooi op 17 juli 2022 01:43]

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