Home » today » World » Social Fabric delivers sports and educational supplies to children on Tasajera Island – Diario La Página – 2024-04-07 13:46:15

Social Fabric delivers sports and educational supplies to children on Tasajera Island – Diario La Página – 2024-04-07 13:46:15

The head of the Directorate of Reconstruction of the Social Fabric, Carlos Marroquín, led the delivery of sports and educational supplies to all children and young people on Tasajera Island, in San Luis La Herradura, in the department of La Paz.

“We have brought a huge amount of sports resources, but we also added recreational material that will be very useful for the academic processes that the children are carrying out here on these islands,” highlighted director Carlos Marroquín.

The delivery of the supplies was carried out prior to the start of a soccer tournament, organized by Tejido Social, with which more than 500 children living in the Tasajera island sector and other surrounding islands are benefiting.

“When the Directorate of Reconstruction of the Social Fabric arrives at a community, it does not arrive just once to deliver material and we forget about them, but there is a follow-up that we will be giving to the five islands,” said Marroquín.

Among the resources delivered this day are, in the sports theme: balls for the five schools, goals, soccer gloves, stopwatch, whistles for the coaches, cones, among other things, and in the educational theme: notebooks, colors, plasticines, temperas, crayons, among other things.

The President of the Republic Nayib Bukele is committed to the inhabitants of this area of ​​the country, for this reason, last year he inaugurated a clinic of the Medical Emergency System (SEM) so that the inhabitants of the sector have quality care.

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