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Soccer – Düsseldorf – Bonhof: Clear criticism of the DFB team and youngsters – sport

Düsseldorf (dpa) – World and European champion Rainer Bonhof has given thought to the developments in German football and, above all, identified mistakes in the youth work. “For my taste, the players have received a lot of support over the past ten years, but have not been challenged enough,” said the Vice President of Borussia Mönchengladbach, who was world champion with Germany in 1974 and European champion in 1972 and 1980, in an interview with the Rheinische Post. . For the players at the DFB and the clubs “everything will be done. At some point the point comes to give something back,” said the former Gladbach master player.

As a reason, Bonhof cited the social changes without going into detail. “There are a lot of things that have become important that don’t match the profession of footballer,” he said, referring to things like social media activities. “But now, as then, and in the future, it is about concentrating fully on the job, knowing what you can do and being ready to call up everything when it matters. In the mirror you see whoever is first and foremost for your own Performance is responsible, “explained Bonhof.

In the opinion of the 69-year-old, the round of 16 knockout of the DFB team was deserved, his criticism was unflattering. “When I look back on the World Cup in Russia, after which it was said that you had to win back the trust of the fans with good games, then I can hardly remember a game that led to it. And if you are as heartless and discouraged as play against England, you have no business in the quarter-finals, “said Bonhof.

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