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Sneeze! With the return of pollens, do not confuse allergy and coronavirus …

The card pollen vigilance turned scarlet on 3/4 of the French territory. Published by the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA), the document, updated on April 10, 2020, invites people with allergies not to put their noses out.

Sneeze! With the return of pollens, do not confuse allergy and coronavirus ...

The pollen vigilance map published by the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network on April 10, 2020. (Source pollens.fr)

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Sneeze! With the return of pollens, do not confuse allergy and coronavirus ...

The pollen vigilance map published by the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network on April 10, 2020. (Source pollens.fr)

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Very annoying birch pollens in Normandy

And Normandy is no exception to the rule with birch pollen in its sights: “ They strongly annoy allergy sufferers with a risk of allergy which will be high in the west and will even be very high in the coming days in the north, center and east of the country. No department will be spared by the high concentrations of birch pollens north of a Bordeaux-Grenoble line “Warns the RNSA. While already looming, in ambush, the pollens of oaks, plane trees or grasses served by mild weather conditions.

Sneeze! With the return of pollens, do not confuse allergy and coronavirus ...

The grasses benefited from mild weather. (Photo Pixabay)

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Sneeze! With the return of pollens, do not confuse allergy and coronavirus ...

The grasses benefited from mild weather. (Photo Pixabay)

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In Rouen, where she gave herself a “leave” to leave during her daily hour of exercise, Margot perceived the warning signs of her allergy several days ago already: ” Taking advantage of the sun to walk a little in the streets of the city center, I quickly sneezed … causing startles and glares of other passersby! But how to explain to them that it is “only” that and not the Covid-19? “, wonders the young woman.

Runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, wheezing, coughing … Spring and its parade of annoyances for allergy sufferers are not late. But in the middle of an epidemic how can you tell the difference between respiratory symptoms due to allergies and those of Covid-19? Elements of answers are provided by the reference site Asthma and Allergies.

Allergy or coronavirus: how to tell the difference?

In this spring period, there is a lot of pollen and many people have allergies: sneezing, rhinitis with clear discharge, absence of fever and headache. Coughing can occur in people who are prone to asthma. In the case of Covid-19, there is fever, dry cough, very tired, headache, body aches. The other differentiator may be the unusual and different character of the cough compared to previous years. “

Sneeze! With the return of pollens, do not confuse allergy and coronavirus ...

The Asthma and Allergies association answers questions related to the coronavirus. (Image asthme-allergies.org)

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Sneeze! With the return of pollens, do not confuse allergy and coronavirus ...

The Asthma and Allergies association answers questions related to the coronavirus. (Image asthme-allergies.org)

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Asthma or allergy: a special toll-free number for coronavirus

The association has also opened a Asthma and Allergies hotline at 0 800 19 20 21 to answer all your questions. The site also publishes the most frequent questions and answers among which:

I am allergic to pollen and very embarrassed as soon as I step outside, with a runny nose and weeping eyes. So, I don’t dare to ventilate at home. What to do ? “ Or : “ My little boy is highly allergic to mites, and I have noticed that since the Covid-19 epidemic, he has often been short of breath. Could it have something to do with containment? “ And even : “ I am allergic to my cat’s hair. Normally, I take treatment and I’m fine. But since confinement, I start to sneeze again and have asthma. What can I do ? “

Frequently asked questions about Atmo Normandie

On the Atmo Normandie site, a Frequently Asked Questions also allows us to answer the “10 questions that French people are asking about the interactions between air quality and the Covid-19 pandemic”. On atmonormandie.fr, the air quality indicators are mostly green on Easter Monday. And the forecasts are good for the day of Tuesday, April 14, 2020. That’s already it!

Discover the ten questions that the French are asking about the interactions between air quality and the Covid-19 pandemic:

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