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Singer who peed on a fan during concert talks in front of her

Brass Against played at Pukkelpop in 2019.

The singer who peed on a fan’s face during a concert of her band Brass Against and who went around the world with those images, has responded to that incident for the first time. “I’ve gone too far,” Sophia Urista said on Instagram.

Spectators didn’t know what they saw at the Rockville festival in Daytona last weekend. Brass Against was like a cover of Wake up of Rage Against The Machine when singer Sophia Urista invited a fan to lie on stage and then pee on his face. She had already announced that stunt during the performance, so the fan knew what to expect. The images went viral worldwide and sparked outrage.

Urista has now responded for the first time. “I’ve always pushed the limits in music and on stage,” she wrote on Instagram. “That night I went too far.” Urista loves her family, her band and her fans, she adds. “I know some were hurt or shocked by what I did. I apologize to them and want them to know that I never meant to hurt anyone. I’m not an artist who wants to shock, the music comes first for me. I am grateful for all the support.”

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