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Simon Cowell ‘happy to be home’ after back surgery | NOW

Simon Cowell is “very happy to be back home with his family in the fresh sea air” of Malibu, California, a friend of Cowell told on Saturday People.

“He’s already done some work this week, but he also knows he needs time to heal properly from the surgery,” said the friend.

Cowell fell from an electric bicycle in the courtyard of his home in Malibu. After the incident, he underwent a five-hour operation that same night during which a metal rod was placed in his back. The operation went so well that the America’s Got Talentjury chairman was able to walk again two days after the operation. “He was able to run faster than the experts expected from him after major operations like this. A good sign,” said the friend.

Cowell, who was unable to participate in the first week of live shows from America’s Got Talent and was replaced there by Kelly Clarkson, watched the episodes of August 11 and 12 in his hospital room. “It America’s Got Talentproduction team even sent him a giant X and a Golden Buzzer, “says the friend.” He was very happy that Kelly helped him and is very grateful to her.

While Cowell is healing at home, his six-year-old son Eric has put together a list of movies to watch together. “Muppets Most Wanted was at the top of the list that they both love, “said the friend.

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