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Signs You May Have Lung Cancer

US actress Kathy Griffin has lung cancer despite never smoking.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Cancer is a frightening deadly disease. But sometimes its appearance is also unexpected.

As experienced by the comedian and actress of the United States (US), Kathy Griffin who suffers from lung cancer. In fact, he admitted that he never smoked.

“Yes, I am suffering lung cancer although I never smoked. The doctors are very optimistic because it’s stage one and it’s in my left lung,” Griffin said Eat This Not That!, Wednesday (4/3).

Even so, there are warning signs of lung cancer that everyone can look out for, according to the Mayo Clinic, namely:

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1. Chest or rib pain

Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in the United States. “One of the symptoms of lung cancer is rib pain or chest pain that gets worse when breathing deeply, coughing, or laughing,” reports Medical News Today. Other symptoms to look out for include coughing up blood or phlegm, shortness of breath, and wheezing.

2. Regular or sharp type

In lung cancer patients, acute pain is often felt in the chest and lumbar (lower back) areas of the body, according to the website LungCancer.net. About 20 percent of patients with lung cancer experience chest pain at the time of diagnosis, and the pain increases in severity as the lung cancer progresses, with patients in later stages experiencing more pain.

3. Pain may occur when breathing

“Pain in the chest, back, or shoulders that gets worse when you cough, laugh, or breathe deeply is one of the effects of lung cancer, reports the Cancer Center.

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4. Cough

Early symptoms of lung cancer may include a mild cough or shortness of breath, depending on which part of the lung is affected. As cancer progresses, these symptoms may become more severe or intense. Like many other types of cancer, lung cancer. It can also cause systemic symptoms, such as loss of appetite or general fatigue.

5. Respiratory infections

Lung tumors can block the airway, often leading to infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia, according to a Johns Hopkins report. Coughing up blood can also occur in patients. Even if it’s just a little blood, coughing up blood or bloody mucus, one needs to contact a doctor immediately

6. Fatigue and loss of appetite

Rest or sleep does not relieve fatigue. Fatigue can occur both as a result of lung cancer and as a side effect of lung cancer treatment. “In some people, fatigue is an early symptom of lung cancer,” reports LungCancer. This is experienced by almost all patients undergoing cancer treatment: up to 90 percent of patients treated with radiation therapy and up to 80 percent of patients treated with chemotherapy report fatigue.

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7. Other Symptoms

Chest pressure, hoarseness, swollen lymph nodes, weakness, or weight loss are other signs of lung cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic. If you experience this or any of the other problems, contact a medical professional immediately.

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