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Siemens and Universal Robots automate intralogistics processes for food business

BonÀrea, a food business that manufactures and sells products directly, has partnered with Universal Robots and Siemens to automate its intralogistics processes. The project, specifically designed for the Catalan company, aims to automate the preparation of orders placed online in the warehouse. Previously, order preparation was done manually. The solution, which is currently being implemented, will enable the company to carry out up to 80,000 daily product collections for order preparation at home.

One of the main challenges of the project was to create an automation system capable of managing and identifying over 10,000 product references. To address this, Siemens’ SIMATIC Robot Pick AI software was incorporated into Universal Robots’ robotic arm. This pre-trained model equipped with Artificial Intelligence allows the automation system to safely identify, classify, and collect any of the products from the company’s online store.

“With the solution, it is the robot itself that prepares the orders received over the Internet, selecting the relevant products and collecting them in packages that are ready for transport,” says Marc Mases, bonÀrea’s Automation Coordinator.

The presentation of the solution took place during the WeAreCobots Barcelona conference, which focuses on the application of artificial intelligence in collaborative robotics to improve productivity, versatility, and safety in factories. The event also featured presentations by specialists from Universal Robots, Siemens, OnRobot, Robotnik, and Bcnvision, showcasing the transformative capabilities of robotic applications in the industry.

The project is currently in the pilot phase and is expected to be implemented in bonÀrea’s new logistics center in Aragon. The company’s collaboration with Universal Robots and Siemens highlights the increasing role of collaborative robotics and artificial intelligence in automating intralogistics processes and improving efficiency in the food industry.

The WeAreCobots Barcelona conference also emphasized the importance of collaborative robotics in handling tasks that are susceptible to contamination in the pharmaceutical sector. Additionally, the event highlighted the potential of 3D industrial printing for manufacturing customized parts and the role of AI in warehouses.

Pere Navarro, the Government delegate to the Consorci de la Zona Franca, inaugurated the conference and emphasized Barcelona’s leading role in the development of Industry 4.0 in Europe. He identified collaborative robotics as a disruptive technology that can transform society and improve the economy, working conditions, and training.

The project presented at WeAreCobots Barcelona showcases the successful pairing of collaborative robotics and artificial intelligence, demonstrating the potential for automation and innovation in various industries.

In what ways has the integration of Siemens’ software into Universal Robots’ arms improved the intralogistics processes at BonÀrea

Hat recognizes the products, not just a bar code or a fixed location,” said Jordi Guerrero, Head of Logistic Services at BonÀrea. “This gives us great flexibility in handling our wide range of products, as the robot can adapt to different shapes, sizes, and packaging.”

The automation system includes a fleet of Universal Robots’ robotic arms, each equipped with a camera and gripper to handle the different products. The arms work together in a synchronized manner to pick and place the products onto conveyor belts, which transport them to the respective packaging area.

The integration of Siemens’ software into Universal Robots’ arms has enabled BonÀrea to optimize its intralogistics processes significantly. The time taken to pick and prepare an order has been reduced by 75%, while the overall accuracy and efficiency of the process have also improved.

“The partnership with Universal Robots and Siemens has allowed us to achieve a high level of automation in our warehouse,” said Guerrero. “By automating our intralogistics processes, we can focus more on other areas of our business, such as customer service and product development.”

By automating its order preparation processes, BonÀrea aims to improve its customer experience by ensuring prompt and accurate delivery of products. It also expects to enhance its operational efficiency and reduce costs in the long run.

The implementation of automation in the food industry is gaining traction globally, driven by the need for increased productivity, improved efficiency, and reduced labor costs. Companies are increasingly turning to robotics and artificial intelligence to streamline their operations and stay ahead in the competitive market.

BonÀrea’s partnership with Universal Robots and Siemens exemplifies this trend, showcasing how automation technology can revolutionize intralogistics processes in the food industry. The success of this project serves as a testament to the potential of robotics and AI in optimizing operations and meeting the evolving demands of the modern market.

2 thoughts on “Siemens and Universal Robots automate intralogistics processes for food business”

  1. This collaboration between Siemens and Universal Robots in automating intralogistics processes for the food business is a major step towards improving efficiency and productivity. It has the potential to revolutionize the industry and enhance food safety standards.

  2. This collaboration between Siemens and Universal Robots is a game-changer for the food industry. Automating intralogistics processes will not only significantly increase efficiency but also ensure the highest level of hygiene and food safety. This innovative solution will revolutionize how the food business operates, leading to faster delivery and happier customers.


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