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Showing Bright Startup Employees, Short Salaries to Meet Lifestyle?


Working in a startup is a dream for millennials these days. Work flexibility, a work environment that is not rigid, and a large salary, seem very beautiful and promising. But it was not as beautiful as imagined.

The thing to remember is, the needs of each person are very varied again on each individual. So, it will be difficult for us to judge whether the salary is excessive, mediocre, or even less. Not all startups have the same system and work culture. There are those who provide benefits and great appreciation for their employees, there are also those who actually provide double the workload without additional money.

Like an employee at one of these startups in the health sector. According to the person who did not want to be identified, he felt that he did not receive enough appreciation and even received excessive work demands without being given overtime pay.



“They push but do not give appreciation. We work overtime until 1 am, but we are not given the prerogative to get paid overtime,” he told detik.comWednesday (13/07/2022).

Not only that, he even got an additional role without being given more incentives. Therefore, he admits that the salary he gets is not commensurate with the results of his hard work. Hence, he needs to find additional income from other sources.

“I work as a consultant. Just because they know what my abilities are, I’m in a double job-in to research and development (R&D). However, I still get paid one, for one job and not double,” he added.

“To cover such a small salary, I’m looking for additional work elsewhere. But luckily I’m not a consumptive, I only hang out 1-2 times a week. The rest are looking for promos and freebies,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, Farah, an employee of an e-commerce startup, admitted that she had a different experience. He claimed to get a salary which he thought was sufficient or even more. With the convenience of being able to work from anywhere (WFA), he was able to save even more money.

But he admits that the ‘Startup Life’ stigma is true. However, it can’t be called 100% correct either.

“For hedon, you could say it’s true, where we are free to work from anywhere. Some are in Bali, some are in cafes. But for free work, it’s really wrong, because we can have overtime. Ideally, civil servants are only until 4. We are the earliest in my company it’s 6 o’clock and the most normal thing is at 8 pm,” he said.

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[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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