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Shortage of blood donations: the Red Cross launches the “Vivaaaaant” campaign!

Lhe Red Cross once again draws attention to the lack of donors. With the Covid-19 pandemic, this shortage has further increased. And it is still present today. Faced with this observation, the Red Cross launches a new campaign to call for donations. Update with Thomas Paulus, communication and marketing manager at the Red Cross blood service.

This is an unfortunate and fairly recurrent finding: blood stocks are critical. The Red Cross relatively often alerts on this subject. This time it’s via the campaign “Vivaaaaant” – of which Adrien Devyver is ambassador – that the association wants to convince citizens to give blood. Namely that the legislation authorizes a blood donor to make a donation 4 times a year, i.e. one every 3 months.

“Since the start of the pandemic, there have been many disruptions in the supply of blood donations, we are regularly in difficulty… This campaign aims to bring concrete expression to the terms “being alive”; we have the will to put words on these moments that make us feel alive. And there are many: enjoying nature, our family, having a drink with friends, professional successes, all those things that make alive and that a blood donation can make possible” Explain Thomas Paulus, communication and marketing manager at the Red Cross blood service.

The principle of the campaign is to create the longest chain of cries possible. To do this, just go on the campaign websitetake a picture of yourself or a video in which you are screaming “vivant” to show that you are part of the campaign and to spread the word. You too can play the game for a good cause, just like Dr Thomas, Adrien Devyver and Thomas Paulus!

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