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Shocking news .. “Global Health” calls on countries of the world to prepare for the next pandemic

Today, Monday, Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, made an urgent call to the countries of the world to prepare for the next pandemic – should it occur – stressing the need for the international community to be more prepared.

“This current pandemic (Corona) will not be the last, and history teaches us that outbreaks of diseases and pandemics are really a fact of life,” Ghebreyesus said in a press statement carried by “Russia Today” news channel today, Monday, adding that: “At the beginning of the next pandemic, The world must be more prepared than it was this time, ”he renewed his call to the governments of the world’s countries to invest more in the public health sector.

It is noteworthy that the world has been facing, since January 2020, an acute crisis caused by the outbreak of the new Corona virus “Covid-19”, which began to spread from the Chinese city of Wuhan and led to huge losses in many sectors of the economy, especially transport, tourism and entertainment, and the collapse of global stock exchanges and the acceleration of the decline Energy markets.

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