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Shawn Mendes opens up about his relationship with Camila Cabello

The star couple Shawn Mendes (22) and Camila Cabello (24) were friends for several years before rumors began to swirl that warm feelings had developed between them.

After first having denied the romance summer 2019, they turned on the tile the same fall and confirmed the relationship.

– Honestly, I really want to talk to you about this, but it’s not just me in the relationship. There’s another person involved and I can not say how I feel. It’s not just me who decides, you see, Mendes said in a video shared on Twitter at the time.

Shortly afterwards, Cabello admitted that it was she who had hijacked Mendes’ heart.

– I mean, I love him. We have always had a bond; We have such an amazing time together, she revealed.

Heated quarrel

After two years as boyfriends, Shawn Mendes reveals that there are not always happy moments between him and Cabello, but that he strives to be the best version of himself.

GOT CRITICISM: Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello have been told that they cling like fish. This is how they respond. Video: @shawnmendes.
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It’s in the podcast Man Enough that the artist eases the veil of love.

When asked what scares him the most, Mendes refers to a recent episode in which he and Cabello got into an argument. The “In My Blood” singer says that he raised his girlfriend’s voice whereupon she pointed out that she did not like his tone, writes People.

– I went straight to defense and said: “I did not raise my voice against you!” But that was exactly what I did. I felt how she shrank as I grew. “Oh God, this is bad,” I thought then, he explains and elaborates:

– I’m terrified of being evil or naughty. I really do not want to be, he shares, according to the website.

The duo then sat down together and had an extensive conversation about what happened during their quarrel. The 22-year-old then realized that he may have to accept that he has stubborn things he carries and traumas he has to work his way through.

– I can not avoid the fact that there is a little dark side in me, but to let this dark side come out is a terrible feeling.

Dreaming of a wedding

The artist also adds that Cabello knew exactly what to say to him after he went on the defensive.

– I made everything about the evil in me and my fear, and she comforted me, he recalls.

Then they sat separately for 20 minutes and read before he managed to gather and apologize, Medes admits in the podcast.

In December, the 22-year-old also revealed to People that he and Cabello have talked about getting engaged. Furthermore, he described her as “the right one”.

– I do not know why, but I just know that she is, he shared and continued:

– I think that your girlfriend must also be your best friend, and she has been for so many years now. She throws herself into love without apologizing, and she has really taught me to be vulnerable, honest and genuine in a relationship, he boasted, according to the website.

ALSO READ: Eases the veil on the first meeting

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