Home » today » Entertainment » Severe little flowers? Celebrities who couldn’t stand RCN’s new reality show – Nueva Mujer

Severe little flowers? Celebrities who couldn’t stand RCN’s new reality show – Nueva Mujer

Until now, the program was known to call ‘Celebrity Island’ It would have a large number of personalities who were very attractive to the viewers.

But, like it presented some obstacles in their production, as well as in its final realization, the majority gave up on the point that the “strong participants” such as La Liendra They have decided to refuse to be part of it. Especially since in principle the project was thought of as a survival race and now it has been classified as another reality show.

This is the prizes wouldn’t be so tempting for the number of challenges they would face even in the most extreme conditions. And it is also known that, on this occasion, there have also been problems with the permission of the program which would have been recorded in the Dominican Republic, a place where the weather is acting against the whole team.

The RCN reality is in serious trouble

It was also known that in the beginning, the RCN program called The Island of the Famous would have figures such as: Marcela Reyes, Manuela Gómez, Macnelly Torres and Mateo Carvajalbut each of them gave up being part of this television project because they felt that the conditions were not clear, in addition to the fact that they did not feel fully safe with everything that had initially materialized up to now.

With all these drawbacks, the public and Even the people themselves who are part of this team do not see the landscape very clearly for the premiere of this reality. which has had an infinite number of setbacks, as well as failures in its logistics. There are even those who predicted the whole failure of this production, which is not what many expected.

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