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Sergei Kivalov among the wounded during the Russian ballistic missile attack on Odessa

April 29, 2024, 21:03

© Suspilne Odessa

On Monday, during the Russian attack on Odessa, the residence of the ex-regional and current president of the National University “Odessa Law Academy” Sergei Kivalov was damaged. The ex-deputy and former head of the Central Election Commission himself was injured as a result of the attack and was hospitalized, according to a video of eyewitnesses published on social networks.

According to local public information, Kivalov received a shrapnel wound to his thigh. He was admitted to a local hospital with venous bleeding. From there he went to a private clinic.

The video contains profanity.

Information about Kivalov’s injury confirmed Valentin Fedorov, vice-rector of the university, told “Suspil”.

It is also reported that Kivalov’s residence is on fire. The roof of the building was almost burned down.

Sergei Kivalov was a people’s deputy of the III-VII convocations. In the Rada, he was a member of the factions of the Social Democratic Party of Ukraine, United Ukraine and the Party of Regions. In 2001-2004 he headed the Central Election Commission. He was accused of fraud in the 2004 presidential elections.

The Russian army launched a ballistic missile attack on Odessa on Monday. As a result of a missile with a cluster warhead, four people were killed and 28 people were injured.

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