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Serémange-Erzange. The vaccination center will open next week

The Covid-19 vaccination campaign is accelerating in Moselle, where 30,000 additional doses must be delivered in the coming days. To sell these doses, the ARS authorized the opening of seven new vaccination centers in the department, including one at the Municipal Theater of Thionville on Friday. The Fensch valley is not to be outdone, the repeated demands of local elected officials have been heard. After validation of the file by the Regional Health Agency, the Serémange-Erzange village hall will in turn host a vaccination center from next week. The date is not yet known, but it should be Wednesday March 3 at the latest.

Appointments, reserved for people over 75, will be possible this weekend via Doctolib or by phone on 03 87 345 345. A second appointment will be made on site. The vaccine injected will be that of Pfizer-BioNTech.

To perform the injections, the agglomeration community will rely on the staff of the three primary care teams (ESP) of the territory. The opening days of the center are not yet known, but it will be accessible 6 days a week. It will remain open for at least two weeks, while waiting to know the evolution of the health situation.

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