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“SEIMA Formation BTP: Inauguration of a New Regulatory Training Center for Construction and Public Works”

Sandrine Lavigne and her team cut the inaugural ribbon for this new regulatory training center in the company of the President of La Communauté de Commune Cœur de Garonne, the Vice President of Economic Development and the Mayor of Saint Elix le Château.

Located between exits 25 (St Elix) and 24 (Lavelanet) in the ZA Descaillaux, SEIMA Formation BTP offers a magnificent space of 520 m² dedicated to training: Electrical, photovoltaic, work at height… Everything to work in safety on construction and public works sites thanks to easy access to training for all these trades and its Qualiopi certification (financing for companies with fewer than 50 employees). The inauguration took place in front of the inflatable structure to performance of the Caces ®nacelles tests. A buffet organized by St Elix Location, produced by the local caterer Les Bons Plats de Julie, the wine from Bertrand Henri in Lavelanet, was offered to the seventy guests who were able to experience a virtual reality workshop on construction sites. thanks to the Digital Melee.

A beautiful project which is intended in two stages, the first, the training organization and the second the creation of a CFA to transmit the techniques and the trade of cable pulling.

2023-04-25 11:50:24
#Inauguration #business

1 thought on ““SEIMA Formation BTP: Inauguration of a New Regulatory Training Center for Construction and Public Works””

  1. Chapeau bas à toute l’équipe. Une super inauguration pour ce centre de formation qui manquait sur cette zone.
    Se faire former par des une équipe ayant une double compétence : la formation et l’expertise terrain du BTP, quoi de mieux !

    J’ai été bluffée par :
    – votre équipe pointue sur les habilitations réglementaires du BTP
    – vos salles spacieuses et équipées pour des mises en situation concrètes,
    – des locaux qui favorisent la convivialité pour apprendre et passer un bon moment,
    – un accès pratique
    – un grand parking. 🙂


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