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Security Challenges in Lebanon: Implications for Presidential Imposition and Political Deadlocks

Representative Jamil Al-Sayyed tweeted, on his Twitter account, writing: “Where is security going?! Until this moment, all parties inside and outside the country are unable to impose their declared or hidden candidate.

He continued, “On the other hand, security forces in Ain al-Hilweh camp caught fire between Fatah and Islamists because of a suspicious killing committed by a Palestinian element whose affiliation and employers are known, and who then disappeared after the incident.”

Al-Sayed pointed out that, “Also, some embassies warned their nationals on security grounds, and some asked them to leave Lebanon, despite the fact that the security situation is generally controlled in the country…”.

He added, “The question is, does the new president want to be imposed under the weight of playing with the security situation after the political rams around him reached a dead end?!”.

Al-Sayyed concluded his tweet, saying: “In my opinion and with experience, playing on the security chord will not lead to a president, but rather will complicate matters. In Lebanon, any internal or external team may be able to ignite the fire, but it certainly will not be able to extinguish it or ensure that it does not burn with it.” “.

2023-08-05 13:59:17
#AlSayed #warns #playing #security #chord

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