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“Scudetto? The last matches a great signal. Mou special, that’s what Lautaro needed.” On Lazio v AC Milan …

After the 3-1 against Roma that pushed Inter to the top of the table, Simone Inzaghi comments on the San Siro match to the microphones of DAZN. Here are the considerations of the coach of the Italian champions.

Today he made several compliments to his team. What is the thing that satisfies you the most today?

“Concentration, because I was very afraid of this match, which came three days after the derby in which we had spent a lot. Roma are in good shape, have important values ​​and have not lost in 12 matches. The boys have been very good.”

What do you tell us about the management of Lautaro? What did he need to unlock?

“Only goals, but it has never been a problem. He has always had chances, he has always trained well, now he is fine and we use him. He must continue as well as all our forwards.”

Not an easy match against an opponent who tried to create problems for you, but you never got nervous. From the faces you can see a rediscovered serenity: is that so?

“True, an excellent reading. Roma picked us up, in the first half they marked us Brozovic and De Vrij as a man. We had to prepare them well and the boys were good. But it’s a starting point: we were behind, finally Wednesday we recover with Bologna “.

Is a small piece of the championship worth today?

“For me it is a very important victory and in this period we have also put in the winning of the Italian Cup final which we were very keen on. We will have to be good at managing physical and mental forces for the next races all close together. But we are ready, we want to play for them. chest out. The last few games are a great sign. ”

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