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Science & Innovation: Sèmè City and Sorbonne University in partnership

Jean Chambaz and Claude Borna after the signing of the partnership documents

From the partnership agreement between the Sèmè City Development Agency and the Sorbonne University, a strategic collaboration at the national and regional level is born on innovation through training, research and entrepreneurship.

(CIO Mag) – It was at Sèmè One in Cotonou that the two institutions formalized their desire to unite to meet environmental and contemporary challenges. Achieving this goal is the fruit not only of the commitment of the two parties, but above all of the political will. It is marked by exchanges between the Head of State of Benin, Patrice Talon, and the President of Sorbonne University, Professor Jean Chambaz, in June in Paris.

The discussions received the agreement of Sorbonne University, which finds in this partnership a means of expansion in Africa, considered as the continent of the future. Recognized as a multidisciplinary university of intensive research and of world rank promoting diversity, creativity, innovation and openness to the world, Sorbonne University is committed to bringing to Benin, its potential, its experience, its quality of researchers and its mechanisms for the development of innovation and research.

This contribution will involve the establishment of continuing training programs for young people, in research and entrepreneurship. This will first of all involve the implementation of a Scientific Master in Innovation Management, Summer School for Research on Innovative Materials, Research and continuing education in artificial intelligence, Investment company for the promotion of innovations and Entrepreneurship training.

Thanks to these training courses, the international city of innovation and knowledge, Sèmè City, will further contribute to research and job creation through the development of a knowledge economy.

Michael Tchokpodo, Benin

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