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Schlein and Conte collectively on the Could Day court docket in Portella della Ginestra

Could Day in Portella della Ginestra for Elly Schlein e Giuseppe Conte. The leaders of the Pd and M5S will each commemorate the 1947 bloodbath by which 11 individuals had been murdered, together with labourers, farmers, girls and kids. “Peace. Structure. Rights” is the title of the occasion that this yr the CGIL Palermo is organizing along with the FP CGIL, the class of employees in public companies. And it will likely be a chance to see the Dem secretary and the five-star president collectively once more, after the cooling off of the vast subject mission following the occasions in Puglia and the disagreement over the primaries for the municipality of Bari. The 2 had met fleetingly on 9 April: solely a chilly handshake on the sidelines of a convention within the Chamber to which they had been each invited.


Schlein and Conte on the identical convention within the Chamber. Handshake. The dem secretary: “How are issues going between us? At all times good”

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The Could Day procession in Portella delle Ginestre will depart round 10am to achieve the memorial plateau of the bloodbath. The ceremony will happen at Sasso di Barbato, launched by a minute’s silence and the studying of the names of the victims. Opening, Maria Modica, head of the Chamber of Labor of Piana degli Albanesi. Following is the speech by the overall secretary of CGIL Palermo Mario Ridulfo.

The nationwide basic secretary of Fp Cgil Serena Sorrentino will ship the conclusions. In the beginning of the day, at 8.30, there might be a prologue with the commemoration on the Piana degli Albanesi cemetery, with the laying of a wreath of flowers within the chapel and the participation of the municipal administration and the eparchy alongside CGIL and FP CGIL of Piana.

From Portella, the CGIL Palermo and the FP CGIL collectively relaunch themes such because the function of labor, peace, the protection of the Structure, social justice and the referendum marketing campaign for truthful and protected work: in the course of the occasion, each in Piana of the Albanians, earlier than the departure of the procession, which in Portella in the course of the rally, it will likely be potential to signal for the 4 referendum questions promoted by the CGIL which asks to revive dignity to work. The primary two referendums are on layoffs: one, for the overcoming of the contract with growing protections, the opposite, for compensation in small companies. The opposite two concern the reintroduction of the presence of causes in fixed-term contracts and the accountability of the consumer for accidents at work in contracts.

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– 2024-05-26 14:18:31

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