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“Scary Barbie: A Black Hole Devouring a Massive Star for Over 800 Days”

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A black hole in outer space. (artist rendering) © IMAGO / ingimage

The black hole happily feeds on a giant star for more than 800 days. Excited quest about the so called “Scary Barbie”.

West Lafayette – When a star gets too close to a black hole, it is pulled in by its own gravity and literally “spaghettified”: the material that makes up the star is stretched and formed into spaghetti-like threads that wrap around the black hole and eventually get consumed. It is a dramatic fiery death that makes stars shine for some time and is known in astronomy as a “temporary” event that lasts a short time.

A research team led by Danny Milisavljevic of Purdue University in West Lafayette discovered such an object — and gained surprising insights through more detailed analysis. “This is nonsense. If you take an ordinary supernova and multiply it by a thousand times, it’s still not as bright as this object – and a supernova is one of the brightest objects in the sky,” Milisavljevic explained in a statement. Communication from his university.

A black hole devouring a massive star – “scary Barbie” object fascinates the search

The researchers are experts in the life cycle of stars and with the team studied the mysterious ZTF20abbrbeie, nicknamed “Scary Barbie”. The researchers derived the word “Barbie” from the automatically generated codename ZTF20abrbeie. The object is called “scary” because it is “very scary. The properties are scary,” explains Milisavljevic. “This is the most energetic phenomenon I have ever encountered.”

In a research paper, Milisavljevic et al pada server prepress ArXiv published You must publish it in a journal Astrophysics Journal Letter Accepted, the data will be analyzed by Scary Barbie. The research team came to an unambiguous conclusion: “We think the supermassive black hole has grabbed the star and ripped it apart,” explained Bhagya Subrayan, one of the study’s authors.

Scary Barbie: The creature has been seen for over 800 days

Not only is the fear of Barbie an order of magnitude brighter and more alive than any trans science has discovered so far, but it also lasts longer than the typical trance. Usually such events end after a few weeks or months – but “Scary Barbie” actually lasted more than 800 days. “The duration is like nothing we’ve seen before,” said Soubrian. The researchers’ latest data suggests that a “scary Barbie” could be seen in the coming years.

Discoveries like these open our eyes to the fact that we are still unraveling mysteries and exploring wonders in the universe – things no one has ever seen before.

Although Scary Barbie is incredibly bright and durable, the object was found too late and only with the help of artificial intelligence. According to the research team, the explanation is very simple: it is very far away and hidden in an area of ​​the sky that has been somewhat neglected by research. It was only discovered with the help of AI software from Milisavljevic’s laboratories. The Recommended Engine for Intelligent Transient Tracking (REFITT) combs through observations of several telescopes for observations that might be of interest to study.

A black hole devouring stars – ‘few things can be so powerful’

The creepy Barbie is “so different from anything known so far” that the research group didn’t even attempt to classify the creature at first, Milisavljevic said. With the help of more data from large telescopes, the team was finally able to understand what “scary Barbie” meant. Researchers are excited about this discovery: “There are very few things in the universe that can be so powerful,” he said. “Discoveries like these open our eyes to the fact that we are still unraveling mysteries and exploring the wonders of the universe — things that no one has ever seen before.” (tab)

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2023-05-01 03:50:31
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