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Satellite functionality coming to Samsung phones

Similar to Apple and what it did with the iPhone 14 series. The company intends to do so SAMSUNG She too has brought the feature of satellite communication to her smartphones.

Samsung Korean giant

Korean giant Samsung ranks first as the largest smartphone maker in the world, followed by Apple and Huawei. In order not to lose its position, it plans to bring the new feature introduced by Apple into the new iPhone.

Apple had announced the iPhone 14 series with many features, including satellite communication. This will allow the user to send a distress message within 15 seconds if there are no obstacles and the sky is clear.

Or the transmission may take several minutes when there are clouds or when there are mountains, nearby buildings or trees.

The iPhone maker has invested millions in Global Star’s new satellites to maintain and expand the service later. The company will provide Apple with 85% of its current and future network capacity.

The smartphone satellite communication service is expected to be an essential feature in the future. That’s why Samsung doesn’t want to be left behind.

Ever since Apple acquired most of the Global Star network. Perhaps Samsung is considering relying on the satellites of the Starlink company owned by the famous billionaire Elon Musk.

And Musk has entered into talks to partner with Apple and provide its satellites for its new service. However, the latter refused his offer and decided to rely on the startup Global Star.

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On the other hand, Starlink is in trouble with DISH. Which acquires a set of 12 GHz radio frequencies and wants to use them to provide a 5G service.

But according to Starlink. The interference of this passage could render its satellite services nearly inoperable.

Finally, it remains to be seen in the coming period what Samsung will decide and which company it will rely on to provide satellite communication functionality on its smartphones so that it can compete with Apple.

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