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San Juan Bautista School of Medicine graduated 60 new doctors in a virtual way

A new strain of doctors did not allow the pandemic to stop celebrating their achievements and they graduated from the San Juan Bautista School of Medicine through Zoom and YouTube.

The EMSJB held its forty-first Collation of Degrees awarding the Degree of Doctor of Medicine to 60 new doctors last week. The ceremony was carried out in a virtual way, bringing together students, faculty, Board of Trustees and family members.

“We had to face the onslaught of Hurricane Maria in the year we were preparing to take STEP 1. Today we are facing a pandemic that has changed the world by robbing us of traditional celebrations. But we grew, we have overcome and left a mark on our community, “said Koby Bonilla Fernández, president of the Graduate Class 2020 of the EMSJB Doctor of Medicine program.

For her part, Dr. Yocasta Brugal, president and dean of EMSJB exhorted the class not to forget that the “coronavirus does not silence the voice of the human soul” and that the worst virus is mental, that is, meanness, rancor, revenge, selfishness or hatred.

The physicians graduated from various specialties such as Anesthesiology, Child Neurology, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Neurology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pathology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Psychiatry and Radiology and Diagnosis.

“Our graduates remind us that this very special moment that humanity is going through can become the favorable opportunity to be a better being,” said Asisclo Marxuach, president of the Board of Trustees of the EMSJB.

The Graduate Class dedicated this 41st Grade Collation to Aileen Figueroa, EMSJB registrar. “For us it was a source of security and support. It was a perfect example of the School’s open door policy ”, shared Bonilla Fernández.

“Let us remember gratefully to the hospitals and medical offices committed to teaching our students, making a great contribution in this task of training well-trained doctors who will be the pride of our country,” said Brugal.

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