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Sammy Mahdi (CD&V): “If others think that the abortion law should be relaxed, then form a government without us”

Yesterday, the Vivaldi parties voted in favor of a motion in the House that stipulates that a new government will issue a government statement in the federal parliament on October 1. Time is running out, but 100 percent certainty that the government will come, is not yet there, Sammy Madhi emphasizes in “The appointment on Friday”. “At the moment, nobody has said ‘yes’ wholeheartedly.”

“We are at the negotiating table with our themes and our requirements. If that is listened to, we may be on October 1 with a government that we are a part of. And not otherwise ”, Mahdi says.

These demands go beyond ethical themes, such as abortion, Madhi emphasizes. But he agrees with the position of his party chairman: sensitive ethical issues, such as the relaxation of abortion laws, must be shelved. “If other parties think it should happen, form a government without us and then we are done talking,” Madhi firmly concludes the chapter on the formation.

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