Home » today » Entertainment » “Saif Nabil’s New Music Video ‘You’ Brings Fun and Romance to the Summer Scene”

“Saif Nabil’s New Music Video ‘You’ Brings Fun and Romance to the Summer Scene”

In a summer and youth atmosphere, the star “Saif Nabil” launched his newest work, “You”, which carried positive energy that moved the viewer to a world of fun and romance at the same time. Saif appeared in “You” with a new and unique block, where the audience and fans praised his new look, which they described as modern and not far from Saif’s racing in fashion.

The clip “You” deals with an endless love story that is renewed at all times and occasions, as we see the love between Saif and his wife at the top, living romance and passion, as they celebrate their love with friends, within a unique dance atmosphere. The surprise in the story is the appearance of the little girl, the daughter of the two lovers, who symbolizes the strength of their love and happiness.

The song “Inta” is written by Muhammad Al-Salihi, composed by Saif Nabil, distributed by Omar Sabbagh, and directed by Faten Barzi.

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