Home » today » Business » S Takes Financing Steps to Secure Dream House Loan

S Takes Financing Steps to Secure Dream House Loan

S takes to financing his Dream house under Attention go formalities a

loan in Height von 250.000 Euro at the B-Bank (B) on. And die Bank Collateral want,

applies itself the S an his Dude E, the him at the time in dem decision reinforced hat, the

Project in attack to take. E ordered willingly to validation of the loan one

Letter mortgage an his Property. Was E and B not knowledge: S had itself before Diploma

of the loan agreement with one Bottle vodka Mut drunk (3,0 Blood alcohol level). Because of

his Alcohol habituation and one consumed Pfefferminzbonbons fell die Alcoholization

also not on. B, himself through die Financial crisis in one tilt devices, transmits later to

validation own liabilities in written form and under handing over of the Hypothekbriefs die

mortgage on die R-Bank (R). R want now against E out of the mortgage proceed.


S takes this time sober at the B a loan on. In turn ordered E the B to

validation of the loan one mortgage. Die Letter mortgage transmits B first an die A-

Bank (A). Die A transmits die mortgage further an die C-Bank (C) and this directs die mortgage

further an R. At Declarations of Assignment are notarized notarized. Later fights C the

Assignment agreement opposite A an, weil A die C malicious above their creditworthiness deceived hat. R

want knowledge, which Expectations is against E and also against S hat.

Fall: mortgage on Wandering

2023-11-08 14:59:48
#Mortgage #case #hike #Facts #takes #financing #dream #home #Studocu

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