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Rutte: new steps around Easter, we will not keep this lockdown for another 4 months

Rutte hopes to be able to take ‘new steps’ around Easter with the scaling down of the corona measures. In addition, he hopes to be able to offer more perspective to the catering industry. It will be Easter Monday in four weeks.

Adjustments and Corrections

All heavy corona measures, such as the lockdown and the closure of the catering industry will certainly continue to apply until then. “But we will not be able to maintain this lockdown for another 4 months,” said Rutte. That is why the cabinet is making some adjustments and corrections, ‘because that is logical and sensible.’

The cabinet announced that the lockdown will be extended by two weeks. And the curfew will also remain until March 30 for the time being.

March 23 new travel advice

The cabinet will issue new travel advice for May on 23 March, Prime Minister Rutte says. Perhaps more is clear about the summer holidays.

The urgent advice to stay in the Netherlands still applies. This travel advice applies until at least April 15th. According to Rutte, everyone is eager to get away from it all. “Let’s hope that something more can be done on this point.”

Swimming lesson

From March 16 there are a few small relaxations possible, for example children can go back to swimming lessons and adults can again exercise outside in groups of 4.

Shops will soon be allowed to receive more customers again and nursing home residents may receive not one but two visitors per day.

Third wave

The arrival of the third wave of corona has indeed been delayed, but the outlook is still not looking good. This is what outgoing Corona Minister Hugo de Jonge says during the press conference.

If the worst scenarios come true, hospitals will be as full in a month as they were last year, he warns.

De Jonge points out that the British variant has now largely taken over from previous corona variants. The British corona mutation is a more contagious variant.

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