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Russian Troops Shelling Kharkiv: Preliminary Arrivals and Damage Reported in the Shevchenkovsky District

“Preliminary “arrivals” in the central part of the city. One in the Shevchenkovsky district of Kharkiv – without damage, there is no information about the victims yet. As for the rest of the missile strikes, the employees of the State Emergency Service are examining the territories,” the mayor of Kharkiv said in a statement.

According to him, with a high degree of probability we can say that Kharkov was hit with S-300 missiles tonight.

Russian troops shelling Kharkiv

Since the first day of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, Russian troops have been shelling Kharkiv using rockets, kamikaze drones and other types of weapons.

So, on June 26, the invaders shelled Kharkov. Igor Terekhov reported at least three “arrivals” in the Slobodsky district. Previously, S-300 missiles were used. A fire broke out at the scene due to falling into a gas pipe.

2023-07-15 23:39:51

#Rocket #attack #Kharkov #arrivals #recorded #city #center

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