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Russian Opera Singer Anna Netrebko Files Lawsuit Against Metropolitan Opera Demanding $360,000 Compensation for Canceled Performances

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Russian opera singer Anna Netrebko has demanded that the Metropolitan Opera in New York pay her compensation in the amount of $360,000 for canceled performances. The artist filed a lawsuit against the opera itself and its general manager Peter Gelb, writes Washington Post.

The text contains allegations of ethnic discrimination, breach of contract and slander. Netrebko demands damages, citing the loss of fees for performances and rehearsals. According to media reports, Netrebko’s management believes that the Metropolitan Opera used the opera singer “as a scapegoat in their campaign to distance themselves from Russia and support Ukraine.”

At the same time, the Metropolitan Opera issued a statement stating that Netrebko’s claim “has no basis.”

Earlier it was reported that the Metropolitan Opera in New York should pay Russian opera singer Anna Netrebko more than $ 200 thousand as compensation for canceled performances in 2022. The singer’s concerts were canceled due to the fact that she did not comply with the requirement to refuse public support for Russian President Vladimir Putin against the backdrop of events in Ukraine. For the same reason, the Bavarian State Opera broke off relations with her.

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