Home » today » World » Russia wants to annex three regions in Kazakhstan, so Tokayev went against Putin – director of the Institute for Strategic Studies

Russia wants to annex three regions in Kazakhstan, so Tokayev went against Putin – director of the Institute for Strategic Studies

According to him, after the start of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, the President of Kazakhstan, Kasim-Jomart Tokayev, openly switched to political and economic separation from Russia.

Lisyansky recalled that since 1991, the Kremlin has been supporting separatist attempts from its Asian neighbor. It came to street clashes between the Russian and Kazakh population, as well as attempts to form the “Ural People’s Republic” and Russian autonomy within the country.

Russia dreams that three regions in the north of Kazakhstan will go to it. The Kazakhs know about this, and Tokayev knows about it, therefore he is pursuing such a policy,” the political scientist said.

In 2014, when the Kremlin organized the “Russian spring” and Ukraine lost part of its territories, Kazakhstan tightened the criminal liability for separatism in the legislation, increasing the sentence. According to the director of the institute, the country’s authorities have always been aware that the Russian Federation will sooner or later try to enter their territory, and now the likelihood of this has increased due to the events in Ukraine.

“In Ukraine, where they started the war, the Ukrainians resisted. Then the occupiers can go in the opposite direction and can come to Kazakhstan,” he added.


After the Russian attack on Ukraine Kazakhstan, according to American TV channel sources NBC News, refused Russia in a request to send their military to Ukraine. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan stated that the country is interested in Ukraine remained an independent and territorially integral state.

In June, at a forum in Russia, the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, in the presence of Putin, said that “LDNR” – quasi-state territories that are not recognized by Kazakhstan.

In addition, the head of Kazakhstan said that will not violate Western sanctions against Russia, although it will not renounce “allied obligations” with it.

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