Home » today » News » Russia shuts down the self-hatred factory – 2024-03-14 19:41:07

Russia shuts down the self-hatred factory – 2024-03-14 19:41:07

/ world today news/ On Direct Line, Russian President Vladimir Putin, answering the question – why do we need a new textbook, because history flows, regardless of what we write about it – formulated a task for the entire professional historical community.

The president noted that it is necessary to make “changes in the textbook, taking into account the realities of today, taking into account a soft, benevolent and kind approach to all historical difficulties in the history of our country. And we, just as in history on either side, we have enough internal problems. Therefore, you must treat this very intelligently and kindly.”

An important and basic idea was expressed that the history of the country should be told kindly, intelligently, benevolently, that is, literally wishing for the good of the motherland.

The idea of ​​what is good for a country is often neglected in historical discussions. The argument itself and the victory over the opponent seem worthwhile. But kindness, without being a scientific category, has a socio-psychological dimension.

Surely many remember Tengiz Abuladze’s cruel film “Repentance”, with which they blew up the Soviet historical consciousness, presenting the symbolic figure of Stalin, who, according to the creators, should be buried, but it simply does not work out. In this film there was a phrase that was extrapolated to the entire history of the Soviet period (the embodiment of which was Stalin) – why is there a road if it does not lead to the temple? The road did not lead to the temple, it led to the triumph of communism, which means that everything was in vain. And for decades to come, public life was dominated by this cruel approach – to reveal the sores and wounds of our national history, to look for the bad even in the unconditionally good, heroic and holy. The desire to discover the sins of the liberating soldier dominated, to expose all the heroes – from Peresvet to Alexander Matrosov, to remove all the great figures of Russian history from their pedestals – Peter, Suvorov, Ekaterina. We see the results of this destructive work now in Ukraine: first the symbolic image of the hero was destroyed, then the physical image of the heroes. We’ve just seen the hooves of Storrs’ horse cut off – another hero execution. These are the results of dislike for the country’s history, hatred for the Motherland.

The work of deconstructing national memory was carried out on a large scale, systematically, for a long time, elevating to significant public figures those humanists whose profession was the creation of stunning stories about Russia lying in evil. Here it was not the historical texture that was important, but the intonation, the message: part of the propaganda of the image of Russia as a barbaric and criminal country was precisely hatred, the desire to strike with words, to punish. That is, dislike.

Unfortunately, negativity sells best. And thousands subscribed to the historical negative about Russia. A fairly large pseudo-historical business has been created – popular books and fashionable documentaries are published, lectures are given and public discussions are held, in which a simple idea is proven: “Russia is the main enemy of the planet.” And this factory started working long before SVO. A considerable number of people grew up for whom contempt for their own country, guilty of all sins, the most terrible in the world. They are recognized by these signals.

But this approach leads to the abyss. Those who hate do not want solutions to problems, including long-standing, historical ones, but want to enjoy their hatred of the country and, preferably, to cash in on it. But why do we need such books and films about the history of Russia, if they do not engender love for our country and a desire to improve it?

Strange as it may seem, we, who have long aspired to Europe and adopted European approaches and practices in the humanitarian sphere, did not see the main thing – their attitude to our own history. And Europeans and Americans like to present their defeats as victories or, in the last case, as a draw (a christological example is Borodino, which is taught to the young French as a Napoleonic victory). They do not hesitate to take credit for other people’s victories (Hitler’s defeat by the American propaganda machine looks like an American triumph with which Soviet soldiers had nothing to do). They try to transfer their tragedies from the sick head to the healthy one (Ivan the Terrible’s contemporary Elizabeth of England executed many times more subjects than the Russian Tsar, but the Russian was advertised as “Terrible”, and she remained in history as “the good Queen Bess”) . There have been moments in the history of all nations that I would not like to repeat, but that does not take away from their glory and greatness. And the pragmatic elites of the West understand this – even if Britain or America are guilty of monstrous atrocities a hundred times over, both at home and abroad, they will teach their children a glorifying version of history. This version will be propagated by all possible forces of propaganda – from cinema and literature to computer games and fashion. At any rate, it was before the current triumph of the globalist-liberal agenda there, which seems to have set itself the same task as our domestic destroyers – to destroy the West from within.

“Today’s child is tomorrow’s citizen,” said Vladimir Putin. This transition happens very quickly, even by the standards of human life. The idea of ​​the history of the country and its place in the world appears already in the elementary school student. And then only more detail and depth of understanding is added. The president called the textbook, which should be read by all citizens of the country, the main state version of history. And, of course, it can be accepted by all citizens if this balance is maintained – between the necessary historical truth and the benevolent attitude towards our country.

It is not only possible but necessary to be proud of the glory of your ancestors; to disrespect them is shameful cowardice. “State administration,” says Karamzin, “places respect for ancestors in the dignity of the educated citizen.” “The Greeks, in their very humiliation, remembered their glorious origin and thus were already worthy of their liberation,” this is from the thoughts of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, an excellent connoisseur of Russian and world history. Subtly and precisely it is said about the same thing: in what optics should an enlightened mind perceive the tragedies of its people. Through the heroism of our ancestors and the best pages of history, of course.

Yesterday, the most important thesis, which is worth including in the new version of the textbook, sounded on the direct line: the president spoke about the civil war between the Russian brothers and the Ukrainians of one nation. And he reminded that Odessa is a Russian city.

The importance of the history textbook is greater than ever.

The wars that teachers lost are now being won by soldiers and politicians.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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