Home » today » World » Russia must be deprived of the opportunity to start the war again, says the German foreign minister

Russia must be deprived of the opportunity to start the war again, says the German foreign minister

Western sanctions must weaken Russia’s economy so that the aggressor can no longer start a new war, Germany Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Berbok.

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“Of course I want to Russia would never again lead an aggressive war in violation of international law, “a German politician stressed in an interview with the public television channel ARD.

“By imposing sanctions, we are encouraging further military action by Russian forces in other regions in the coming years,” she added.

The German foreign minister has expressed confidence that Russia’s losses due to its aggressive war and Western sanctions will be so great that it will not be able to stand on its feet for many years. Thus, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin weakens his own country, explained Burbock.

She emphasized the need for the West to be united, as it was not clear what Russia would do next. Putin has made both attacks Moldovathough Baltic countries must now invest in the security of their partners and defend peace, the German Foreign Minister said.

The politician stressed that the sanctions imposed on Russia will be able to be lifted only when from Ukraine all Russian troops will be withdrawn from the territory. She also denounced the previous German government, which opposed in 2014 after Crimea the lifting of sanctions imposed by annexation, as this would legitimize Russia’s actions.

Mr Burbock also said that a decisive response to Russia’s wrongdoing could “make other aggressors, other dictators around the world, realize that the majority on the ground is working together for freedom and peace.”

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