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Russia-Africa Summit: Russian Federation’s Neo-Colonial Policy and Influence in Africa

31 minutes ago

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St. Petersburg is preparing to host the second Russia*-Africa: For Peace, Security and Development summit scheduled for July 26-29. About 10-15 African heads of state and government are expected to attend the event.

As analysts of the publication write 24News, this event will be a platform for the Russian Federation to highlight its role and influence in Africa and dispel the notion of its international isolation. Despite sanctions imposed on Russia following the annexation of Crimea and the conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014, Moscow is keen to present itself in Africa as a counterweight to Western colonialism. At the same time, it should be noted that the Russian Federation itself is also striving to restore its influence on the former post-Soviet republics. Russian politicians and propagandists have repeatedly declared their intention to take over these countries.

“The Russian Federation continues to be a colonial empire, because it copies the worst practices of conducting colonial wars. For more than a year, the Russian Federation has been waging a full-scale war in order to seize as many Ukrainian lands as possible, and thus, for the first time since the Second World War, it violates the principle of the inviolability of state borders by force. This could create a domino effect around the world, including in Africa,” the experts write.

Analysts point out that Russia’s relations with African countries contain elements of paternalism and racism. The publication recalled the many cases of attacks by Russians on students from Africa living and studying in Russia. In addition, there is a danger that the Russian Federation is trying to change the borders in Africa, fueling interstate conflicts and political tensions, which could divert the attention of the West from the conflict in Ukraine.

“Ever since the times of the USSR, the Kremlin has considered the countries of black Africa to be underdeveloped, where various events can be held against the democratic system. Soviet “internationalism” was a thinly disguised paternalism, that is, treating Africans as less developed people who needed to be put on the right path. After the collapse of the USSR, paternalism in the Russian Federation was transformed into outright racism,” experts say.

It is noted that the Russian Federation also seeks to control the politics and governments of African countries and may resort to the use of Russian private military companies, including the Wagner PMC, to achieve its goals. Moscow may resort to the liquidation of African leaders who impede its expansion on the continent. Experts also note that Russian investment and assistance to poor countries in Africa remain symbolic compared to investments and assistance provided by Europe, North America and Asia.

“Today, due to economic projects, trade in weapons and mercenaries, Moscow is trying to get the votes of African countries in the UN in order to resist the West. For this, such events as the Russia-Africa summit are held, at which the Russian leadership will once again try to subdue the “African friends” present. African leaders need to refrain from traveling to a country that is now pursuing a neo-colonial policy towards other countries and in which racism flourishes, ”the publication noted.

Earlier, Cursor wrote that a Russian journalist spoke about a bunker that was built in Africa for Putin.

* – until the complete denazification of the Russian Federation, the editors of the Cursor refuse to show respect for the occupiers and murderers and will write some proper names exclusively and fundamentally with a small letter.

2023-07-07 12:25:57
#Russia #gaining #foothold #African #continent #analysts #revealed #Putins #dangerous #tactics #news #Israel #world

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