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Rows of strange planets with confusing conditions: Okezone techno

JAKARTA – Of universe There are many mysteries of the planets that have not been solved by scientists, sometimes known facts confuse ordinary people.

Thanks to the development of technology that allows astronomers to study space objects, the newly discovered planets are very identical with their rather strange characteristics.

Reported by the YouTube channel, How Can You ?, Friday (23/9/2022), a strange planet that makes you shake your head, called Gliese 436 b, is located in the direction of the constellation of Leo, 32 light years from Earth.

Gliese 436 b, is a planet the size of Neptune. The planet’s distance from its parent star is 13 times closer than Mercury’s distance from the Sun, approximately 4,350,000 kilometers, which makes the planet extremely hot, reaching nearly 530 degrees Celsius.

After being studied by scientists, it turns out that the planet is made of pieces of ice. Could there be ice that can survive very hot temperatures? It seems very unlikely, but it can actually happen on this planet Gliese 436 b. How come?

Apparently, the ice on the planet is not ordinary ice, which is called Ice-X. Ice can freeze even if the temperature on the planet is warm. This is because the resulting gravity is very strong, so the pressure becomes high.

Just as carbon can turn into diamond at very high pressure, through the same principle, water can turn into a solid state, even denser than ice.

Also, there is a strange planet called PSR J1719-1438 b which is nicknamed the diamond planet. The planet is 4,000 light years from Earth, has the same weight as the planet Jupiter, but has different dimensions.

Not only is the planet PSR J1719-1438 b nicknamed the diamond planet, but there is another diamond planet called 55 Cancri e. This planet is 41 light-years from Earth, twice the size of Earth, but eight times the mass.

This happens because the two diamond planets are close to their respective stars, so they are denser and have warmer temperatures.

When viewed from economic value, this diamond planet is worth $ 27 US nonilion dollars (nonilion has 30 zeros).

These planets, known as exoplanets, exist outside our solar system. So far, there have been around 5,000 exoplanets encountered by astronomers and scientists on the billions of planets in the Milky Way.

This discovery was made possible with the help of the James Webb Space Telescope, which has been able to find planets for thousands of years already.

The universe has amazing things and a lot that is unknown, so we need to do research to discover and study them.

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