Home » today » Entertainment » Rough stuff in the Do you want to be a millionaire quiz: “There might be adult entertainment” – 2024-05-13 06:54:37

Rough stuff in the Do you want to be a millionaire quiz: “There might be adult entertainment” – 2024-05-13 06:54:37

Antti Holma, who hosts the program, is responsible for harsh stories.

Antti Holma is a humorist. Saku Tiainen, Nelonen

Presenter Antti Holma cultivates ambiguous humor in this week’s millionaire quiz.

do you want to be a millionaire – an entrepreneur from Järvenpää sits on the torture bench of the program Lauri Mäkinen, 32. Uncertainty begins to gnaw at him already at the first question. It gives four options Jani Volanen as the location of the award-winning drama series: Munkkivuori, donut mountain, ear tree mountain and pepper mountain.

– I was a little scared when I saw the question, Lauri admits.

He is supposed to watch the series, but so far it has been left behind. Fortunately, only Munkkivuori is a district of Helsinki, which Lauri knows for sure.

Lauri Mäkinen wants to be the first competitor to win the main jackpot in the Finnish millionaire quiz. Saku Tiainen, Nelonen

However, Antti Holma’s harsh mind-set is not related to Munkkiva’s pepper mountain. The female reproductive organ can be called a pepper.

– I have a strong feeling that that pepper mountain might be adult entertainment, Antti grins with a serious face.

The audience still laughs at the stories of Anti, who is known as a funny man.

– Very possible, Laurikin answers.

Do you want to be a millionaire? on Saturdays at Nelose at 21:00 & at Ruudu. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

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