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Romero follows Corinthians victory over Santos at Neo Química Arena

A Corinthians 2-0 victory over Santos, this Sunday, for the 34th round of the Brazilian Championship, had an illustrious presence in the stands of Neo Química Arena. It is Ángel Romero, former player of Timon.

The Paraguayan striker registered his visit on their social networks. He was in one of the boxes in the alvinegro stadium, accompanied by his son.

(Photo: Reproduction)

Romero wore the Corinthians shirt from 2014 to 2018. During this period, he took to the field in 209 opportunities and scored 35 goals. Of these goals, 27 were at the Neo Química Arena, which makes him the stadium’s second top scorer. He is just behind Jô, who was on 29 this afternoon.

The 29-year-old forward is currently without a team. He left Argentina’s San Lorenzo at the end of August this year and has not signed with any other club since then.

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