Home » today » Sport » Roger Federer Receives Iconic Athlete Award at Rolex Shanghai Masters

Roger Federer Receives Iconic Athlete Award at Rolex Shanghai Masters

The Swiss tennis player, Roger Federerwas honored in the Rolex Shanghái Masters with the Iconic Athlete Award. The event was attended by prominent tennis personalities, including WTA legend Li Na and Pepperstone ATP Chinese number one Zhang Zhizhen.

Federer, winner of 103 career titles, received the award in recognition of his contribution to the sport and his profound impact on Chinese fans. Visibly moved, he expressed his gratitude upon receiving the award. “I am very excited to receive this award.. It has been fantastic to see the growth of tennis in China. “Here is an icon and a future sports star,” said the Swiss.

The player’s special bond with the Rolex Shanghai Masters dates back to his two victories in the tournament, in 2014 and 2017. With an impressive history in the tournament, which includes 23 wins and only 6 lossesIn addition to the two titles, Federer left a mark in Shanghai.

The Swiss also took advantage of the occasion to remember his great rival and friend, Rafael Nadal, with whom he faced each other in both finals in which Federer was crowned champion in Shanghai. “I faced Rafa many times, we didn’t play in every tournament, but we played matches in almost all the big venues around the world. I’m glad we did it here three times,” he said.

During the event, Federer also spoke about his current physical condition and his future plans. Although he stays away from the court as a player, the Swiss continues to take care of his physical fitness and expressed his desire to play some exhibitions in the future. “I would still like to play some exhibitionsso I want to stay in shape,” he said.

“I like to know what’s happening. Above all, I watch highlights, maybe I go to YouTube and watch four or five minutes to get the feeling of the match. It’s difficult for me to watch a complete match because I don’t have much time,” he concluded.

2023-10-14 15:50:41
#Federer #remembered #Nadal #Shanghai #Masters #glad #played

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