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Roc’s fear of having to stop with language courses for people integrating

Roc’s fear that they will have to stop with language courses for immigrants. The courses came to a halt during the so-called intelligent lockdown and now the shortages have become too great, says chairman of the MBO Council Frank van Hout in the NOS Radio 1 News.

At the beginning of the crisis, distance education was not yet allowed, explains Van Hout. “And when the distance learning became possible, it was difficult to get those who agreed to take the distance lessons. Half of them temporarily stopped,” he says.

According to the chairman, there was less confidence in the quality of education and some did not agree that the training would cost virtually as much as before. And fewer students means less income, says Van Hout.

That loss could not be covered with money from other pots; money that schools receive for mainstream education must continue to be earmarked for this. Nor could use be made of the NOW scheme, the temporary Emergency Measure Bridging Employment, which was created especially for the corona crisis.

According to Van Hout there is no room to make up for the student shortage: “We make no profit on these courses. They are rather loss-making. We expect a total loss of around 5 million euros.” Teaching with smaller groups, at a meter and a half is “difficult to sustain” with their current budget, says Van Hout.

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