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“Rockin’ within the Free World”: US Secretary of State Blinken picked up the guitar in Kiev

The 62-year-old took the stage in a Kiev bar on Tuesday evening (native time) and picked up the guitar, as seen in a video. “I do know these are tough instances,” mentioned the highest US diplomat. However the individuals of Ukraine ought to know that the USA and the free world have their backs. Then the band began a ‘ carried out Neil Younger’s “Rockin’ within the Free World” on stage. Blinken joined the 1989 hit on guitar and sang alongside to the refrain.

The US Secretary of State arrived on Tuesday unexpectedly for a go to to the capital of Ukraine. The go to, which, as common, has not been introduced for safety causes, was Blinken’s fourth go to for the reason that conflict started in February 2022. It was additionally the primary go to after the US handed a long-delayed help package deal price 61 billion US {dollars} (56.5 billion euros).


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